One of the things I like most about Halloween is all of the fun ways to make treats a little extra fun! A Reeses Peanut Butter Cup is a good thing all on its own, but how cute is it when it is all wrapped up in black & white polkadots and a fun halloweenie colors?! I couldn't resist making more than one! I think I like the orange best, but the reverse scallop on the purple is fun too, and I love the new wasabi green cardstock. It's good I don't have to choose. :)

It was easy-peasey-lemon-squeezey to make these just wrapped the polkadot cardstock around the PB cup, added a band of color and used a dot of adhesive to hold it together (don't want to make it too hard to get to the treat afterall). I did a little something different with each of the colors--stamped the green with "trick or treat", reverse cut a scalloped edge on the purple, and wound some onyx baker's twine around the orange.

For all three I cut out circles in Sleepy Hallow text Cardstock and stamped and colored the pumpkin. I needed to cut off the top of the pumpkin and then stamped and cut out the cat and stuck 'em all together. So much fun!
What will your treats be dressing up as this year? I've got more ideas coming over the next couple of months so keep an eye out. If you LOVE an idea you see and need more info or would like to know how to get the goodies to make your very own please let me know. You can email me at
All Products are by A Muse Studio.
Recipe: Stampset-too cute to spook; Cardstock-onyx polkadot, pumpkin, wasabi, heather, Sleepy Hollow, sugar; Ink- memento tuxedo black, onyx; Accessories- onyx baker's twine, scallop border die, 3d-tape, Copics in Y38, YR16, YR18, E31, E33.